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How to Write a Blog Post That Actually Gets Traffic
You are writing a blog, then click on the "Publish", and then... no one is reading it. The problem isn't necessarily what you're writing. It does not mean that the people who love you. This simply means that your content will most likely not be optimized for the search. So, in this video, I am going to show you how to write a blog post that attracts a consistent reader of your blog, you're probably going to get. Keep your eyes open. [music] how are you a blogger? Sam is here Ahrefs, the SEO tool that help you to increase traffic, competitors, explore, and evaluate on your own, you can. Today, I want to help you, to clear up confusion and turn this blank screen is an epic blog post that people want to read, and (b) to attract the target audience that you want to do.
Now, instead of focusing on the subjective methods, writing style, I am going to show you how to make a good flow with the reader through the strategic structures, and workflow. "Let's get down to business. First, I want to give you a good idea of what to on a regular reader-and what it definitely doesn't like. In order to attract readers, you need to in order to get the traffic. In fact, it's the same thing. But how do you get traffic to your website is going to vary a lot. For example, I am sure you have seen the multi-channel sources in your analytics platform, such as organic search, social, direct, and traffic direction. All of these people are between the bucket in terms of how they find and consume content on your website. You can also take advantage of paid advertising, or marketing, e-mail, in order to send messages to the reader. All of this is well and good, but the toll road is not for the better, just as long as you pay at the ready. The same is true for your email list. You're blowing up, e-mail, and the method is no longer zero. Why are communication skills? And the same thing. You can get some great spikes in traffic,but it will most likely go back to normal. These peaks, as Rand Fishkin, call them, they are the" peaks " of the universe." And, if you are using one of these kits, I'm sure you've experienced this. In the direct line number. "For organic traffic, on the other hand, can have the opposite effect. Fri, second -, and I'm hoping that the increase in traffic, which, over time, is no. And this is the main strategy that we use in order to increase the Ahrefs blog, more than 220,000 monthly-find location. Right now, I'm not telling you to stop e-mailing to your list or to reduce your ad spending on PPC. I want you to understand from these examples that the billions of people who are searching for informational content. And, if you have a blog, you should do it on purpose, in order to meet the needs of the user, and get the traffic, and its the truth instead. That being said, let's get straight to the steps to 1, that he is, to come up with questions that show you how to generate traffic. The most common problems I see new bloggers is to write the "the" has been, for me, one of the tasks. Now, there is nothing wrong with it, in order to build your base, what will happen if you eat breakfast. But it's all a matter of how you say it. For example, if I'm blogging the recipe, which, in your opinion, how many people would be the sea hasThe pages of the top-rated must only account for about 27% of the traffic is compared to the search volume of the keywords. That is why it is very important to look at the total traffic of the potential of a substance, so that you can get the most out of your buck. Right now, this is just a topic that you might want to write about. You can create a whole list of ideas and content, writing in general topics related to your niche.
So, to edit, to make this " recipes." And the list has more than 2.4 million of the keywords that contain the word "recipes"."Let's keep this time in a non-competitive subjects, with a great amount of search volume. I'm going to put a keyword difficulty of the filter in order to display the keywords that the maximum amount of points is less than that of, for example, is 10.I am going to set the volume of the filters to search for a keyword that is not 1000 monthly searches on Google. From here, you need to do is click on the BUSINESS key, and to analyse the traffic potential of any substance, which might be worth it to create a new message. The other thing you can do is to find the topics, in order to generate traffic to your competitors and then create content around those topics. So, since I have a recipe on my blog, I'm going to this HREFS Site Explorer, and I'm going to have to be my opponent. It seems that there is a 874,000 search visitors per month. Then I'm going to go through, according to the report, "the Top of the page in order to figure out how to make pages for their search queries. So take a look at the report, I could see at once that the chocolates, cakes, cookies, lo mein and tofu dishes, it can be a better material to write a blog post. And, as you can see, it's not that hard to find subjects that people would like to find out. Just make sure that you check for the total of the traffic behind the subject so that you do not waste your time on writing content that people want to read. Let's move on to step 2, which is super important, and that the evaluation process, the intent, and search. The purpose of the search is to provide the grounds for asylum. For example, if someone searches for "how to make pancakes," what do you think they'd like to see? Probably the recipes, right? But what happens when someone is looking at the question is " slow cooker?" What are they looking for? They want to get there? Please read the reviews? You will see a list of your recipe, or something else entirely? The good news is that the intent is to learn and is really difficult to find. All you have to do is to find the keywords you'd like to search for on Google and the search results will show, what I like to call the "3" setting intentions, search for". The first is the nature of the content. In general, these can be divided into blog posts, products, pages, page, categories, and pages. A look at the top 10 results on ' How to make pancakes," you can tell just from the names, they all are in one blog post. In the second, C is the file format of the content. When it comes to blog posts, some widely used format, is a "how-to" guide with step-by-step list of posts, a magazine well thought out article. The wide variety of formats, but should give you an idea of what you are looking for.
So, for us, as an example of "how-to" is the predominant form Then scroll to the bottom of the page, whereyou’ll see the top 10 ranking pages along with their SEO metrics. And as expected, a bunch of these pages areranking for thousands of keywords. To see the keywords that this page ranks for,let’s click on the number in the corresponding row, which will open up the Organic Keywordsreport in Site Explorer. Now, to keep these keywords relevant, let’sset a filter to only show keywords that rank in position 1 through 10. This will weed out a lot of irrelevant keywordsthat we don’t need to target. A few interesting words that pop out to meare "from scratch," "recipe," and "batter." Now, rather than trying to stuff these keywords into your post, it’s best to think of these as subtopics. You can also use them to solidify the angleyou want to take for your post. So I may take the angle of creating homemadepancakes from scratch. As for the subtopics, I would likely havea section on "making the batter." And under the subheadings, I may include descriptivewords people are searching for like "delicious and fluffy." And I may even include a substitute to makethe batter without milk. Finally, just add some bullet points beloweach of the subheadings to ensure that you stay on topic once you get to writing the draft. Speaking of which, let’s move on to step 4 and that’sto write your first draft. Now, the purpose of this step isn’t to writea perfect blog post that everyone's going to love. It’s to get your thoughts on screen andinto full sentences. If you’ve created a detailed outline, it’s just a matter of looking at your bullet points and making them flow together. These are two tricks that I use that workparticularly well for me. First is the Pomodoro technique. In short, you set a 25-minute timer and agoal you want to achieve in that time. For example, my average typing speed is around115 words per minute. But since blogging requires more criticalthinking than a typing test, I’ll set my goal to 20% efficiency. So this translates into around 575 wordsevery 25 minutes. Now, the key to succeed using the Pomodoro Technique when writing blog posts is to not hit the back button because of spelling mistakes or to reword your sentence 15 times before you find the perfect phrasing. After your first 25-minutes are up, take a 3-5 minute break and rinse and repeat until complete. This step is all about efficiency and youdon’t want to do anything that would stop you from reaching that goal. In the next step, you need to edit your draft. From my experience, it’s best to take timeaway from your piece before editing it. There are usually two parts to this. First is to fix spelling and grammatical issues. This is pretty straightforward and tools likeGrammarly can help ease the process. The second part is to make sure that yourblog post flows and provides value to readers. Common blogging advice is to "write as you speak," so reading your post out loud as you edit can definitely give some perspective. If you find that it sounds unnatural, roboticor whatever, then make edits where needed. Remove anything that’s fluffy, or add in bits and pieces to provide additional clarity or evidence. One last tool I recommend is Hemingway Editor. Just paste your post in there and it’llgive you a readability grade. A general rule of thumb is to aim for sixthgrade level readability. This will ensure that your blog posts areeasy to read and understand. Now step 6 is my favorite part of writingblog posts and that’s to get honest feedback. In my opinion, this is one of the most criticalsteps in our content creation process. And it’s what allows us to consistently get positive feedback from various online communities. Here’s how we do it at Ahrefs.
Josh, our resident blog master, is responsibleto ensure that every post that goes live on our blog is absolutely epic. But epic is subjective. So for each post that he writes, my job isto provide feedback, question any claims, and offer suggestions where relevant. Now, my job is to create videos that are alwaysproviding value to you, our viewers. So Josh will review and provide feedback justas I do for his blog posts. And to add an extra layer of quality control,we loop in Tim and Nick to make sure that everything we publish is top notch. I cannot recommend this step enough. Ask your colleagues, friends, or whoever toreview your content, so your team can consistently produce your best stuff. The last and final step is to create your final draft. By this point all feedback should have been given. It’s now your job to take that feedback and make decisions on what goes in the final version and what’s not. Go through each touch point, and once allpoints have been resolved, you just need to do one final read through. Then upload, publish, and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Now, if you enjoyed this video, make sure tolike, share and subscribe, and if you have any questions about the writing process, leavea comment below, and I’d love to help. So keep grinding away, and I’ll see youin the next tutorial.
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